Pieces of the Puzzle

A Personal Journey of Raising a Child With Special Needs

by Wendy Keyes Roback

Pieces of the Puzzle

Pieces of the Puzzle

A Personal Journey of Raising a Child With Special Needs

by Wendy Keyes Roback

Published Oct 22, 2014
135 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Children with Special Needs


Book Details

In Pieces of the Puzzle, Wendy Keyes Roback shares her personal account of parenting a special needs child and her quest for answers about her son, who is eventually diagnosed with a significant hearing loss and a rare genetic condition. Get ready for laughs and tears as Wendy recounts the highs and lows she experiences during the first seven years of Jaden’s life, and be there as she struggles with the issues that raising this unique child brings. Eventually, this mother learns that her son’s condition does not define him, and that having a special needs child is not the life-shattering diagnosis most expect it to be. She realizes that Jaden is perfect just the way he is and that the life she was given is even better than the life she envisioned. Pieces of the Puzzle is optimistic, honest, and empowering, offering hope and inspiration to other parents and affording the reader a glimpse into the life of a very special child.


About the Author

Wendy Keyes Roback

About the Author: Wendy Keyes Roback was raised and educated in Central New York, where she still lives today with her husband Glenn, their son Jaden, Glenn’s children from a previous marriage, James and Jennifer, and family pet Rocket, the guinea pig. Since 2002 Wendy has worked in the health-care insurance industry. When not working she can usually be found spending time with her family or pursuing other hobbies such as photography or cake decorating.