Mountain Mysteries

A Collection of Short Stories

by James W. Dean


Book Details

Appalachian Mountain Mysteries

This book is a collection of short stories. These stories are inspired by my love for the Appalachian Mountains, and by the mysterious legends that can take on a life of their own. So will you come travel the mountain tops, valleys and hollows of the mysterious Appalachian Mountains. Find a witch on the mountain, walk with a phantom mountain lion, look for a raven in the attic, and fly with the eagle on the rock. Follow the ghost to the gold mine, spend two days in the haunted house, or find love by the river. It is all waiting for you to discover here in the pages of this book. The reader will be taken into a world that can only be seen if you are willing to see it. Even if only for a short time you can let your mind get lost in the pages of this book, Mountain Mysteries, your time will be well spent.


Book Excerpt

The large chokeberry bushes along with the black huckleberry and the great rhododendron, had long ago claimed the beautiful fields that surrounded the mansion. The tall black walnut trees had taken the spot where the massive front porch once stood. The dreadful site of the climbing bittersweet vines, that were crawling out of the once gleaming, but now broken glass of the windows and doors, made the house look almost alive, as the low wind rustled through the green leaves.


About the Author

James W. Dean

James Dean lives in Eastern North Carolina with his wife Brenda. James has built his life around his family, and he is lucky that his three daughters and their families all live close by. His ancestry runs deep within the Appalachian Mountains and that is what inspired this work. It is his hope that you will enjoy reading it as much as he has enjoyed writing it.

Also by James W. Dean

Memories and Mysteries


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