Inspired & Motivated

An Emotional Journey Back To Me

by D’Juana L. Manuel-Smith


Book Details

C.C. had so much to say but was afraid to speak up. Her writing was the only outlet for her impassioned cries to be heard. Tired of living in a failing marriage, it was finally time to speak her mind and Jesse was right there to hear her voice. Their meeting was accidentally on purpose. The poems featured in this book reflect the thoughts and emotions envisioned in the heart of a woman who desperately wants to change the repetitive patterns she finds herself living with. Through these words open a world she has never known. A world where her opinion makes a difference, her voice can be heard over the crowd and her feelings are worth sharing without hesitation or dread. The fact that these words and emotions brought life to a dreamer’s inner most thoughts and are seen as stimulating by someone other than herself as building fire, passion, and a strength all so new has opened her eyes to a world of possibilities. There is freedom in expression when it comes from the heart!


Book Excerpt

"Jesse, would you make love to me if I asked you to?" C.C.'s heart was racing as they lay on the floor in front of the fire. He placed her wine glass down and raised her chin to look at him. This was not a question he expected. This was finally their time to be together without any regrets or contemplations. Jesse wanted nothing more than to make love to C.C., but he did not want to rush her. Jesse looked into her eyes searching for any sign that she was unsure. "Well, would you?" He sat up and lifted her into his lap. C.C.wrapped her legs around Jesse and he pulled her as close to him as possible. He continued to stare into her eyes. As he sweetly kissed her on the nose he exclaims, "I will do whatever you ask of me." She smiled and he says, "Let me ask you a question." "Yes", she chirps then light kissed his eyes. "Will you tell me how to love you?" This question was surprising. C.C. had never thought to tell someone how to actually live her. She stated at him biting her lip nervously. "I will take great pleasure in making love to you Ciara." C.C. begins to smile brighter and reach in to kiss him just as he says, "But you have to tell me what you want." Each time that he asks her what she wants, he moves in closer to her and kisses beneath her earlobes. He can feel her shiver with every brush of his lips. The blush is now evident on her face and she is speechless. "Tell me how you want to be loved. I want to know I'm playing you." Jesse's voice is so low and seductive. C.C. had never been asked what she liked when it came to sex. Not in any great detail. She had only ever imagined what she really wanted out of sex and let her husband set the pace. In her mind she wanted to feel electric, but didn't know how to verbally express what she wanted. Never realizing that she could. And just as she thought of the east she wished to feel Jesse spoke her thought it loud. "When I make love to you I want you too feel desired."


About the Author

D’Juana L. Manuel-Smith

“I’ve come to realize that I write to create a world full of beauty, romance, excitement and imagination in most cases. Living in a time where hatred, crime, heartache, lies and fear run ramped, I fear an urgency to escape! As a wife and mother of six writing gives me peace. Even if it’s only for a short while. Even if it’s only in my mind.” - D.L.Manuel-Smith



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