Holy Gatherings

A Leader's Guide for Engaging the Congregation in Corporate Worship

by Michael Sharp and Argile Smith

Holy Gatherings

Holy Gatherings

A Leader's Guide for Engaging the Congregation in Corporate Worship

by Michael Sharp and Argile Smith

Published Jul 19, 2009
147 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Rituals & Practice / Worship & Liturgy


Book Details

Help your church community engage with God

through authentic, life-changing worship

From Dr. Jon Duncan, Music and Worship Specialist, Georgia Baptist Convention, Atlanta, Georgia:

Holy Gatherings is an eff ective worship education tool that should be on the shelf of every serious worship plannerleader. There are plenty of theological and theoretical discourses on the subject of worship. Th is work stands apart as it not only deals eff ectively with the “why” of worship; it serves well as a “how to” fi eld manual that never erodes biblical footing. The result is a relevant work which will strengthen and deepen worship engagement among God’s people. From Ron Willoughby, Lecturer in Contemporary Christian Studies, Cliff College, University of Manchester, UK:

Finally! A clear, accessible primer on worship leadership. This book rescues worship leadership from the trap of performance-based crowd pleasing and the clutches of sterile worship models. Do yourself a favor: buy this book. Read it. Highlight it. Put it into practice. From Dirce Cooper, International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention,Worship Leadership Training, CUBA: Beginning with a solid foundation of a biblical understanding of worship, the authors offer practical steps to the designing and leading of corporate worship. Th roughout the pathway, probing questions engage the reader in the pursuit of transformative worship. Th e combined experiences and distinct perspectives of a skillful musician/worship leader and a seasoned theologian/pastor have resulted in a treasure of insights that will serve worship teams as well as serious worship students around the world.From Graham Smith, Director of the Church Music Department, Mississippi Baptist Convention Board:

What a blessing to have Dr. Argile Smith and Dr. Michael Sharp combine their many gifts from our Lord, which blest by the Holy Spirit, give such synergy to this much needed book on the highest priority of the human spirit---the worship of our Creator-God! We have needed such a defi ning book among worshippers and worship leaders for some time. Here, by the grace of God, is a gift from Him to us through these two worshippers and worship leaders! From Will McRaney, Ph.D, Director of Evangelism Strategy, Florida Baptist Convention:

As scholars, practitioners, and local churchmen, Argile Smith and Michael Sharp have served us well by providing a great resource to help us worship God and lead others to worship God in both spirit and truth. You will be bothinspired and informed by the work of their vast collective experience.


Book Excerpt



About the Author

Michael Sharp and Argile Smith

MICHAEL SHARP is Professor of Worship Studies in the Division of Church Music of the New Orleans Baptist Th eological Seminary. He received his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. Both in the seminary classroom and in conferences throughout the U.S., his teaching focuses on the theology and history of worship as well as practical leadership training in planning and leading corporate worship. Active in local church ministry, Michael has served as a Worship Pastor in churches throughout the Southeast United States. He and his wife Leanne also served for a number of years as music missionaries to Venezuela. The parents of three young adults, they currently reside in Kennesaw, Georgia. His devotional series “52 worshipers” can be accessed on his website: www.worshipconneXion.com

ARGILE SMITH is senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Biloxi, MS. He received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Upon completion of his doctoral degree, he served as a pastor for fifteen years before returning to the seminary as a professor of preaching. While on the seminary faculty, he occupied the J.D. Grey Chair of Preaching and was invited to chair the Division of Pastoral Ministries. In addition, he also served area churches as interim pastor and developed an extensive writing ministry. He was elected to serve as president of the 2009 Mississippi Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference,and he also directs the Center for Encouraging Pastors, accessible at www.encouragingpastors.com. He and his wife, Connie have three grown sons.

Also by Michael Sharp and Argile Smith

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