Different Visions of Love

Partnership and Dominator Values in Christian History

by Brian Griffith

Different Visions of Love

Different Visions of Love

Partnership and Dominator Values in Christian History

by Brian Griffith

Published Jan 31, 2008
512 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / History


Book Details

From the Foreword by Riane Eisler:

“Griffith’s narrative moves like a searchlight over each phase of church history, illuminating the visions, options, and choices behind events. He traces the rise of a dominator version of Christianity, in which the primary concern was a chain of command to be followed, with rewards or punishments according to the degree of obedience. And beside this he illuminates another face of Christianity, concerned with healing all divisions between “loved and unloved” people. The story Griffith presents is often deeply disturbing, as in his unstinting accounts concerning “the gospel for women”, or the age of holy wars and witch hunts. But ultimately his story offers solid grounds for optimism. He shows that all contention between different religious visions can be a process of building partnership. As Griffith points out, Jesus himself wished to debate his opponents openly, not to silence or eliminate them. He was not afraid of real encounter, or the potential of creative conflict.

I want to congratulate Brian Griffith on this masterful, controversial, and highly readable account. His book offers hope in a divided world, where reaction against globalized “godless corporate secularism” meets with a “war on religious fundamentalism”. I hope to see other writers do comparable work in highlighting the partnership and dominator visions within their religious traditions around the world.”

— Riane Eisler,
author of The Chalice & the Blade, Sacred Pleasure, Tomorrow’s Children, The Power of Partnership, The Real Wealth of Nations

"I find it gives me an incredibly clarifying perspective on Christianity way beyond my previous understanding. It should be read by everyone with an interest in Western Civilization. It is a marvelous companion to The Great Turning."

— David Korten, author of The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community


Book Excerpt

Table of Chapters

1. What’s Fundamental for Me?

2. The First Versions of Jesus’ Message

3. The After-Easter Gospel

4. The Experimental Kingdom of God

5. Fear and Unity under Persecution

6. Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Pre-Roman Church

7. The Legionnaires of God

8. The New Imperial Church

9. A Doctrine against Freedom

10. The Gospel for Women

11. The Age of Crusades and Witch Hunts

12. Women Who Loved Jesus Their Way

13. A Christianity of Both Fathers and Mothers

14. The Emerging Partnership Church


About the Author

Brian Griffith

Brian Griffith is an independent scholar concerned with history, religion, and ecology. He is the author of The Gardens of Their Dreams: Desertification and Culture in World History, Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story, and A Galaxy of Immortal Women: The Yin Side of Chinese Civilization.

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