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Darwin Was Not There On That Day

A Different History of Creation

by Gerald Patrick Curran


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Product description...

Darwin was not there on that day

This story could be called: ‘Everything You Always Wanted to Know about the Origins of Life but Were Afraid to Ask.’ It is a Spaceship Ride through Time with a Human and some Angels.

For generations, scientists have wrestled with ideas about where exactly we come from—what are our origins. They have developed theories such as Evolution, Natural Selection, and the Big Bang Theory.

Gerald Patrick Curran’s story flies in the face of these theories with truly inspired answers. No more need we toss and turn at night trying to decide what our origins might be. The author unties for us some of the knottiest puzzles of our Universe.

Endorsement by Diane Hart, ex-US Federal Bureau of Prisons Administration. ‘I loved Gerald Patrick Curran’s previous book: Mary in Africa. Reading it brought a sense of peace and harmony. Highly recommended.’

Product details...

Format: 5 x 8 Black & White Dust-Jacketed Hardback, 253 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (Oct 30, 2023)
ISBN10: 1977268226
ISBN13: 9781977268228
Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Historical

Author Information...

Gerald Patrick CurranI was born and raised near a small town in Southern Ireland. My interest in pre-history began while I studied Architecture in the city of Dublin where the gift of skepticism, inherited from my mother, inspired me to ask during one class, “Were kings really buried under those huge mounds of earth and rock?” My interest in pre-history had begun. In a search to discover what other cultures might look like I traveled to India via Turkey and Iran - originally Persia. Later in Melbourne, Australia, my studies extended to the 50,000-year-old cultures and beliefs of the Aboriginal peoples. As a teenager, it had been sad to learn that a scientist named Charles Darwin decided that we were descended ‘…from a hairy…quadruped...’ (in his Descent of Man). Luckily, as a child, I had been taken to see the movie The Wizard of Oz and since then have always sensed that behind every scientific “fact” is the possibility of a fantastic reality. More recently, when insights about what had happened in prehistory began to form in my imagination, it was time to write them down. My first novel began. I can be contacted at: geraldcurran@verizon.net
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