Power Steps

Releasing the Force Within

by Alice Thomas & Percy Thomas

Power Steps

Power Steps

Releasing the Force Within

by Alice Thomas & Percy Thomas

Published Aug 17, 2018
141 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General


Book Details

Using Strategic Steps to Activate Your Personal Power

Power Steps: Releasing the Force Within will teach you how to unlock your personal power to achieve success. Each of us have imbedded in us the power and potential to achieve great success. Yet, we perceive that personal success is a matter of luck. Success is intentional. It is not luck and it could be you! You don’t have to wait on good luck or someone else to give you access to the success you desire. Inside the covers of this book are the steps that will provide you with the keys to success. Power Steps: Releasing the Force Within is written to be your personal roadmap to success and has already impacted the lives of hundreds of individuals. It is an easy to read book that provides an unbelievable opportunity to awaken in you the skills that you already have. It provides you with information on how to use your gifts and talents to enrich your lives so that you no longer need to wonder about what it takes to be successful. The Power Steps principles are tried and true common-sense practices that can change your life. Learn what these steps can do for you. Do not hesitate; read this book and experience success for yourself now!


About the Author

Alice Thomas & Percy Thomas

Percy W. Thomas, Sc.D. and Alice H. Thomas, Ph.D. are leadership trainers and motivational speakers with 30 years of experience of helping people in government, private industry, and community organizations turn their dreams into reality. The Thomas’ also provide individual and group coaching services.



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