Lady Flatterley

by Linda Wagner


Book Details

This book is about a unique caterpillar named Lady Flatterley.

It was Lady Flatterley's dream to become a butterfly, not knowing all along this was already God's great plan for her.

Unbeknownst to Lady Flatterley, the process required some work on her part and that was to build a cocoon!

This story follows one of God's little miracles in nature as she transforms into what God had in store for her.


Book Excerpt

Way up high in the tall oak tree,

Lived a caterpillar named Lady Flatterley.

She hid amongst the leaves all day long,

Hoping she’d be safe from wind that was strong.

Flatterley’s home was made out of leaves,

All snuggled inside, she felt safe as safe could be.

Her coat was soft and beautiful, her friends would say,

Orange and black on her back, so pretty she was made.

One day while hiding in the tall oak tree,

Lady Flatterley felt the flutter of a gentle breeze.

She peeked out through the dark green leaves,

Was only the bumble bee for Flatterley to see…


About the Author

Linda Wagner

I am a mother, grandmother and registered nurse in sunny Florida.

Having raised two sons and being blessed with five grandchildren has given me an appreciation and a satisfaction with the efforts I put forth in developing my son's characters. Teaching them the importance of treating others with love and respect was paramont to me.

Now I have the privilege of seeing those same characteristics passed on to my grandchildren.