A Conversation With Corporal Nym

From Shakespeare With Love

by Earl Dean Lilly, Jr.

A Conversation With Corporal Nym

A Conversation With Corporal Nym

From Shakespeare With Love

by Earl Dean Lilly, Jr.

Published Sep 09, 2020
184 Pages
Genre: FICTION / General


Book Details

A Conversation With Corporal Nym

A U.S. Journalist visiting England following a current story finds himself intrigued by a British military veteran.  He finds that a Brit calling himself 'Corporal Nym' can present quite an argument for secret political collusion across international borders which ensured and arranged the World Wars.  A Secret Society he calls the Craft uses themes and representations embedded in the 'propaganda ministries' of all western nations as a Code.  Nym quotes from Shakespeare and points to the works of Richard Wagner and others while considering political events and the 'Theaters of War' of the Twentieth Century.  The Old World was deliberately demolished to construct today's World Government: a New World Order of the absolute Pole Lease State! 
     You must look back in 2020!