Disappearance Road

The Samantha Collins Series

by Tonya F. McKinley


Book Details

The Samantha Collins Series

Devastated by the disappearance of her younger sister, Samantha Collins is in jeopardy of becoming mentally paralyzed for the rest of her life. The lack of information and urgency in the investigation of Vanessa is causing an internal conflict she is unable to manage. The tragic event, along with the betrayal of her trusted partner Tim, has led her into the arms of a stranger she meets in the Bahamas while investigating the death of a doctor tied to two horrific murders in Lake Cascade. The night turns hauntingly grim when Vanessa fails to text her neighbor to report on her safe arrival back home.


About the Author

Tonya F. McKinley

Tonya F. McKinley is the author of Hidden Tears at Lake Cascade, the first novel in The Samantha Collins Series. Tonya invites you to follow her journey.