Making (Your) Kids Smarter 3rd Edition (flipped Spanish side:) Como Hacer

Knowing How to Cultivate Intelligence & Creativity / Como Aumentar La Inteligencia de sus hijos

by Pedro R. Portes, Ph.D,

Making (Your) Kids Smarter 3rd Edition (flipped Spanish side:) Como Hacer

Making (Your) Kids Smarter 3rd Edition (flipped Spanish side:) Como Hacer

Knowing How to Cultivate Intelligence & Creativity / Como Aumentar La Inteligencia de sus hijos

by Pedro R. Portes, Ph.D,

Published Aug 27, 2014
384 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Educational Psychology


Book Details

Bring Out Your Child’s Dormant Genius

Parents, discover the advantages of MAKING KIDS SMARTER (MKS) and apply this powerful new theory of child development to the child in your life. MKS shows how you can help your child develop concepts for problem solving, and mental strategies. Learn how to foster a child’s creativity and self-esteem—the two legs upon which exceptional intelligence stands. Discover how to identify various stages of development in your child and how to enhance each one. This book explains why some children tend to be more advanced and how to apply this understanding to the development of children. It also shows how the home environment of advanced, emotionally healthy children differs from others'. Once you understand and learn to apply this approach, you and your family will be parenting more intelligently…for generations! All parents wish to give their child an advantage and help them develop to their full potential. If you want to learn how to give YOUR child an edge, the first step is to give yourself an edge right now, with Making Kids Smarter.


Book Excerpt

The Cultural Context Matters A simple five minute conversation can open up the mind if it’s on target, even more than five hours worth of class time. These tools develop naturally in the course of interactions with the immediate family. Families have their own trademark. Some family contexts have patterns that promote development better than others, a fact which ties back to the idea of special events, but such exposure varies. One child may have two hours a day of being actively guided by an adult who responds to the child’s natural thirst for knowledge, while another child may not (for whatever reason). In effect, these subtle patterns form a mini-culture around the child which determines, to a large extent, how much of the big culture gets through. These patterns tend to accompany your child and set his or her paths of development. Think of different (radio or TV) frequencies transmitting information to your child. Your child interprets and acts upon information that is available. Certain family routines serve to transmit better than others. So play smart games. Children’s learning and development is ongoing and responds to what is regularly available and special lived experiences that are affectively positive, encouraging and motivational. Children thrive in the mini-culture parents establish in the home and develop accordingly. This little culture they grow up with then becomes the foundation for bigger cultures like school.


About the Author

Pedro R. Portes, Ph.D,

Pedro R. Portes, PhD is an educational psychologist and certified counselor, past editor of The Journal of the Society for Accelerated Learning and Teaching, Distinguished Professor and Executive Director - CLASE at the University of Georgia. He has published numerous articles focusing on intellectual growth. Dr. Portes continues to present research at major national and international conferences. In this reader friendly bilingual book, he shows the ways language, emotion and motivation can be maximized for children's healthy and superior mental development. The key concerns parenting know-how, interaction patterns around "vivencias" or lived experiences and modeling.