Salvations Last Call

The Search for Noahs Ark

by Pastor Paul D. Miles


Book Details

How far will God go to save just one human soul?

Peter Kensington has been called by God to go to Anatolia (modern day Turkey) to find and document Noah’s Ark. Little does he know many souls hang in the balance.This is a 1800s adventure that will take the reader through a amazing sea voyage a trip across Anatolia and a mountain climb that almost leads to disaster while introducing the reader to the miracle working God that can be apart of their life today just for the asking.


About the Author

Pastor Paul D. Miles

Paul D. Miles born in Syracuse New York. In 1989 I moved with my wife Nancy and three children to Florida. After receiving a call from God I became a Pastor in 1994 with the Pentecostal Church. In 2001 the Lord began to put this book on my heart and eventually gave me the story you are about to read.

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