No Mo' Broke

Seven Keys to Financial Success from a Christian Perspective

by Horace McMillon

No Mo' Broke

No Mo' Broke

Seven Keys to Financial Success from a Christian Perspective

by Horace McMillon

Published Jul 19, 2011
72 Pages
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / General


Book Details

Give More. Save More. Live More.

At last, a personal finance book for those of us who hate personal finance books. What this book is not, long dry and dull. What this book does is to provide the seven key concepts to financial success from a Christian perspective, humorously illustrated and concisely explained.


About the Author

Horace McMillon

Horace McMillon is a married father of two. He currently serves as pastor of the Open Door Mennonite Church in Jackson, MS in a tent making capacity (That is he and his wife, Monique, work full time to provide for their own support). Horace also serves as a District Leader of a major financial services company. Being on the front lines of the current financial crisis, plus having survived a personal financial crisis of his own making, Horace learned both the biblical and practical principles to financial well being found in this book. Horace is a graduate of Oberlin College and of the Chicago Theological Seminary.

Also by Horace McMillon

Take Ye Eat


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