
The Wild Child of the Delta

by Linda E. Warren


Book Details

A story of strength and struggle resulting in heroism

Calico Beaumont and her family face conflicts in a small Mississippi Delta town in the early 1950’s. Calico’s Cherokee ancestry plays an important role in her upbringing. She explores the woods with her bow, arrows, and dogs, and makes a shocking discovery. The neighbors across the lake bring trouble to Calico’s family. Friendships, racism, criminal activities, family relationships, and two mysteries are themes throughout the story.


About the Author

Linda E. Warren

Linda E. Warren is a retired public school music teacher, church music director, and former opera and nightclub singer. She holds a Bachelor of Music degree and a Master of Arts in Teaching. Linda currently teaches piano and substitutes as a church organist. She and her husband have two married sons and one grandson.

Also by Linda E. Warren
