Heart to Heart

A Gift of Unconditional Love

by Pene Enochs


Book Details


THRU SORROW AND PAIN, Came joy, happiness and unconditional love. Blessed with a soul connection with seven wonderful people, that have brought my life to fruition. “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your HEART” Marcus Aurelius


Book Excerpt

As we embrace, looking into his eyes…his face and seeing an image that was familiar. Scrutinizing every detail of his face seem to be etched into my memory. While looking into his face, it was as though my own image was emerging within his. Somewhere in his eyes, I saw myself. Touching his face, eyes, lips and ears was like touching an angel. All my senses were touched physically, mentally, ethereally and spiritually. My adoration for him was totally encompassing.


About the Author

Pene Enochs

Pene Enochs Native born Texan, living with four family members and a huge dog named King, in Burleson, Texas. Life has brought me unexpectedly to the “Now.” Life has been exciting and never a dull moment, leaving me with many memories just waiting to be penned. Facebook/email. peneheart2heart@gmail.com



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