The Great Reconciler

How the Gospel Saves and Shapes Our Lives to Joy and Eternity

by Reuben Moyana

The Great Reconciler

The Great Reconciler

How the Gospel Saves and Shapes Our Lives to Joy and Eternity

by Reuben Moyana

Published Dec 21, 2018
163 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / General


Book Details

The world is in turmoil, and our hearts are restless and anxious.

If you have ever struggled with why there is so much brokenness in this world—and what the remedy could possibly be—this book has the answers. In The Great Reconciler, Dr. Reuben Moyana challenges us to consider understanding the gospel more deeply as the cure for the ails that trouble our lives. God has made a way to redeem His creation, through the work of His Son on the Cross. Learn how the good news of Jesus Christ can shape your whole life and help you anticipate eternity!


About the Author

Reuben Moyana

Originally born in Zimbabwe, Dr. Reuben Moyana currently serves as one of the elders at Crosspointe Church in Columbus, Georgia. He has also served as an elder at the Church of Brookhills in Birmingham, Alabama. A dentist by profession, Reuben has traveled, preached, and served others around the world with dentistry and the gospel. He is blessed to live in Smith’s Station, Alabama, with his wife Edith and two daughters, Joy and Jaida.



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